Monday 21 December 2015

Is It Time To Hit The Panic Button?

Everton FC - The View From My Seat

Is It Time To Hit The Panic Button?

Well after not posting for a couple of weeks, I've finally gained control of my emotions and got myself together after a string of bad results.

I'm hearing alot of shouts recently, mainly "Martinez OUT". Is it really time to hit the panic button and get rid of Bobby? I'm not sold on that idea at all. I take some of the points I've heard and understand to a certain extent why these shouts are doing the rounds, but.... How has this tactic gone for others that have changed managers recently?

Man Utd firstly, how much better has LVG been than our old boy David Moyes? In my opinion, not at all. You can say he has them closer to the top end of the table and did bring back Champions League football. My response to that is, Moyes was allowed no money to spend, had Mata and Felli bought for him and was given no support at all from my view of it. I think after Sir Alex the next guy was always onto a loser. LVG comes in, spends the earth, addresses none of United's problem areas, has a failed attempt at European football and their own fans wondering what this philosophy is he keeps going on about.

Villa, Sherwood out, Garde in. Villa are still amongst the favourites for relegation and didn't even have a reaction to the new man coming in. Unless the reaction was a goalless draw and a 4-0 thumping by none other than our good selves Everton!

West Ham got rid of a fantastic manager in big Sam. Slaven Bilic who I do rate has come in, they took the league by storm for the first 100 metres and have now seemingly ran out of juice and are jogging along at best.

There will be others I can mention such as them across the park, new guy doing great isn't he.... but surely that's enough to back up my theory. We get rid of Martinez then get in who? Mourinho? Guardiola? MOYES?? It's not going to happen. Realistically we'd attract no one better than Martinez. We'd have all the hassle of them inheriting another managers team, needing to bring in their own players, relaying their style of play etc etc... And if we don't achieve top 4 as soon as the new guy takes over do we get rid of him too?

Everything is in place at the moment. In place by Roberto Martinez. 12 months ago we were amazed that Joel Robles and Arouna Kone were ever allowed to wear our royal blue shirt. Now we've seen Kone has had something to offer albeit that's now come and gone and the majority praying for Robles to take over in goal! Galloway, Mori, Besic, Barry, McCarthy, Deulofeu, Cleverley and Lukaku all have major rolls to play, all brought in by Martinez. We aren't quite at the half way stage of the season yet and given our shocking recent results we are still only 6 points off the top 4. We also aren't the only ones having a very mixed season!

We aren't a million miles away, it's the draws that are holding us back. Watford, Palace, Man United and Man City are all above us and have lost either the same or more games than us. That tells me it's not a drastic change that's needed but some minor tweaks. We're not getting beat constantly, drawing from winning positions feels like a defeat but it all could be worse. A few minor tweaks defensively and a little less naivety when leading matches and the draws will turn to wins.

At least I hope they do otherwise our squad next season will look a lot different. Mainly that it won't include Stones, Lukaku or possibly Barkley and Deulofeu. I think we have hit a sort of cross roads. We are on the brink of something special, even the negative people can see that. Some of the performances this season have been nothing short of mind blowing. Having said that, the inability to capitalise on these performances may be to our peril. We are as likely to go on a fantastic run shooting us right up into the mix of the top 4, as we are to get it all horribly wrong, finish mid table and see our promising squad diminish before our eyes in the summer!

It's been a strange season so far, the league is wide open for another team to take it by the scruff of the neck and hopefully that team can still be Everton!

Keep the faith, get behind Bobby and the team and pray he starts making better decisions and the players play to their potential for a full 90 minutes. Rumours of yet another takeover are rumbling the internet but with or without that, this season we do have enough to achieve our goals this season. A take over makes sense in January, also in the summer so I'm not holding out for that but how would qualifying for Europe mixed with a summer takeover sound? In 6 months we could be a very different Everton, let's hope its for the better!

As usual thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts on these points or any other points. I'm on all the usual social media, links below :)

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