Tuesday 27 October 2015

My Seat

Everton FC - The View From My Seat

My Seat

My seat is, unfortunately for most Everton matches is in my living room directly in the central line of my TV, where I stand for most if not all of the game shouting, screaming and generally voicing my opinion on everyone and everything. My opinion is thrown towards the television but in large towards my wife!

The wife is also a Toffee but I'm pretty sure over the years she's managed to perfect the art of looking like she's really taking in what I'm saying whilst caring very, very little about what I'm shouting.... I mean saying. So I figured let's make a blog, chuck my views out there and see if anyone else would like to pretend to listen......Or I suppose I should say read. 

I started with the word "Unfortunately" in my first sentence, this is because as a very passionate Evertonian I would of course love my seat to be at Goodison. However, one wife, three children and living in Doncaster, 98.9 miles away from Goodison means getting to the games is a rare occasion. (Until my 3 year old son is a little older then season tickets will be purchased!) I do manage to watch every minute of every game however, on TV or online and also my Dad is a season ticket holder, which makes me extremely jealous and I get the inside view from him on a weekly basis too. Thus in my opinion making me qualified to have an opinion. In my defence you can usually see more of the game from TV cameras and highlights but agreed you do miss out on the off the ball movement and the atmosphere. 

Anyway that's the small talk out of the way and the ice has been broken so I hope you enjoy reading my views on what I hope to be a weekly-ish basis and I always appreciate and welcome any feeback aslong as it's in a healthy debate or positive fashion. Unlike some groups I've been involved with online that seems if you don't agree you should attack that person with obscenities..... We're all Everton aren't we? Even if you're not, it's not your fault, you just weren't chosen! :)

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